Is Rita Edochie really not Pete Edochie's Wife


Her name is synonymous with tears. Often times, her role in movies
evokes pity, pains and pangs of motherhood. If you call Rita Edochie,
Nollywood’s Best Weeping Actress, then, you are right on point.
There is every possibility you will find the thespian in one out of 10
Nollywood movies, playing the role of a wife, mother-in-law or mother.
This Enugu based actress can capture her audience by bringing to life
any given role she plays.
In this interview with Entertainment Express, the mother of four who
has been mistaken for several years as the wife of popular actor, Pete
Edochie has revealed that she is not the wife of the top actor. She
further talked about the secrets of her success in the industry and
how she has managed to be a good mother and wife.
Aside the Rita Edochie we see on movies, who exactly is Rita Edochie?
My name is Rita Tony Edochie. I am an actress, a proud mother of
four (two boys and two girls).
One of my daughters is married now. I am also a proud grandmother
and by the grace of God my home is intact.
How do you mean by your home is intact?
Some people have this notion that I am a divorcee but I can proudly
tell you that I am not and I can never be, because I got into my
husband’s house to live and not to stay. I give all glory to God for
How do you feel being a grandmother?
I feel so blessed and fulfilled. I bless the name of the Lord for that.
When my daughter got married and people heard she had given birth
they started calling me the youngest grandma. I must confess; I feel
so happy being addressed as a grandmother.
How long have you been acting and how challenging has it been?
I actually started acting in 1997. Initially, when we started it wasn’t
really smooth because they could not afford to pay some of us. But
you don’t have to blame them because it was not their fault because
sometimes they don’t really get their money. So, what they do then
was to get one or two known faces and they would merge them with
other upcoming mothers. When I say upcoming mothers, I mean
mature women that can play the role of mothers, but the only problem
there was that they will have a longer stay. What I mean is that a role
I can play for five minutes, you discover that the new ones will do that
same role for one hour and that is so much waste of time and tape.
The truth is that they can’t keep using us because they need to grow
more people so that when we fade, they need to have new people and
we are all happy about that.
So, would you say these new faces are threats?
No, it can never be. When you are good you are good, that is my
believe. I am shooting now, not because I want to, but because they
needed me because on this job I am doing now. We have some known
faces there, it is not everybody that can pay for having like six to
seven known faces to appear in their movies. You know the kind of
stories you have, and you know the kind of people you would want to
feature in the movie and you have to go for them because you believe
you are going to get your money back so long as you know your
You have been in couple of movies with Patience Ozokwor, what is
your relationship with her?
My relationship with Patience is very cordial and we are very good
friends. Though, in some movies we have had some differences, and I
have played the role of the calm woman while she played the role of
the wicked woman. Patience is a very good actress; I can’t fit into her
role very well and vice versa. We are two different people when it
comes to acting, so she is a wonderful woman. I must be honest with
you, if they give me her kind of role I can never do it well like her so
that is the difference. Whenever you see her acting my kind of role you
will see that she is not really getting it the way I would do it so we
have our ways.
Before acting, what were you doing?
I have been a broadcaster. I had worked in Anambra broadcasting
Why did you quit broadcasting?
I really did not quit, I had a problem with them. Some of them
became jealous of what I do because I was very good at what I do
then. I was paid very well, and there was this thing we use to do then,
when you go for marketing you get your money and still get your
percentage, so I was getting a lot of money from both acting and
Acting then, didn’t affect my work because I always go for weekends,
when I am off I always agree with the producer when to come and
when not to come, but they didn’t see it like that, they felt it was
encroaching on my own job, but I told them it wasn’t so.
Who were those people to be precise?
It was the management, but within the management then there were
still some nice people then, you know it can’t be all of them. I can
remember vividly, even some of them encouraged me to support
others, the ones I can say were jealous were the ones fighting to make
sure they terminate my appointment.
Many people think Pete Edochie is your husband.
Not really, the name of my husband is Tony Edochie, Pete is actually
my husband’s elder brother.
Do we say Pete Edochie gave you the leverage to get into the
No, it was not him. I came into the industry on my own. I struggled
my way into the movie industry; it was just that he had the name
already. Pete had never gone for any audition for me before, I go for
auditions myself, if I don’t do well they can’t give me the role because
of his name.
You have featured in several movies with him as husband and wife,
how was it?
It felt good.
Did your closeness with him off-the -stage ever affect you in anyway
while acting as his wife?
No, not at all. That even made it looks more true and natural. My
relationship with him outside will even give me the room to do it well,
because if it’s somebody you don’t relate well with outside, you won’t
be comfortable.
Pete Edochie has about two children in the industry; do you intend to
push your kids into the scene someday?
I can’t push them, there is no way I can push them, because you
must know it before you can go into it. But luckily for me, two of my
children are in the industry already. My first son and second daughter
are into acting. My daughter is doing well.
What is her name?
Her name is Amanda Maria Edochie, and my son is Great Valentine
Edochie, he is also doing well, he read Theater Arts.
As a woman, what has motherhood taught you?
You can see everything about motherhood all over me. It has taught
me not to scare my kids away from me, rather bring them close,
because if you scare them away you have pushed them into the world,
where they get all sorts of behaviours. I started bringing my children
close to me at a very tender age. You don’t have to scare your
children, it is better you let them know what it takes to be a good
You have been married for many years and you are still acting, but
these days celebrities’ marriages are crashing, from your own view
what do you think could be the cause?
You see, I tell the younger ones to be ready, you must be ready to be
in a man’s house before you get in there, if not, at the end of the day
you walk out of the marriage before you know it.
Would you say the fault is from the celebrities or the man?
I am not talking about the celebrities alone, I am talking generally.
What I mean by ‘talking generally’ is that as a young girl if you want
to get married you have to make up your mind and as a young man if
you want to get married as a man you have to tell God about the
marriage. You convince yourself that you want to get married , when
you are convinced, then you can go in for it.
For the celebrities, don’t forget you were not a celebrity from your
mother’s womb, you only made yourself a celebrity. The fact there is
that the stardom easily gets into some of their heads, both the man
and the woman, but I tell you, a woman is supposed to be under a
man but most of our women are not ready to be under a man, that is
why I say you must get ready If you really want to settle down in life.
It is sad that some of them are never prepared, they just want to be a
married woman for the sake of being married and because others are
getting married, that is why you can see a woman and man marry
today and tomorrow they are divorcing. Anything that can pull you
out of your man’s house try and coordinate it well so you don’t get
out of you man’s house. It is shameful that you are married and all of
a sudden you are out of the house again. It is not right, something is
wrong somewhere, it is either the man is not doing it well or the
woman. For me, I always put the blame on the woman, a woman
must know when to talk to her man and when not to talk to a man if
your man is giving you a hell of problem, all you have to do is to
consult God, know when to bring him in, not because your man is
giving you heat, you as a woman will not know when to bow down
and talk to your man.
You just mentioned your husband, is he also into the movie industry?
No, he is a broadcaster with Anambra Broadcasting Service. Pete was
also a broadcaster and so is the wife too, though the wife is now a
You have been in the industry for a long time, do you intend to
produce your own movie soon or you have produced any yet?
I am a producer, but I have produced just one movie and that was
about seven years ago it was entitled Divided Twins.
Why did you stop producing?
I stopped because I want to put myself together; I need to make sure I
get everything right. I don’t want to rent things I need for a job, I
need my studios to be completed before I start anything.
Aside acting, what else do you do?
I’m a business woman, a contractor. I do a lot of good things that
will give me good name and money too.
We learnt you are into politics, how true is it?
I’m into politics but I’m not trying to contest for any post. I am just a
full member of a political party for now.
Do you have any pet project you are working on?
Yes, I have one. I have a foundation, there is this my friend, Ada Diora
Mma, she owns a foundation too, her own is a higher one than mine,
because I started mine not too long ago. I help the poor a lot, I don’t
blow my won trumpet, but that is the kind of thing I do.
Where are you from?
I am from Anambra State, Onitsha precisely and married to Uteje man
and Uteje is also in Anambra state, the Edochies are from Uteje in
Anambra state.
Has acting ever deprived you of anything?
No. nothing at all, not even my fame or convenience. Acting is what I
love doing so it can never deprive me of anything, I will keep acting
till I am tired and being tired will be when I am old and not being
able to do anything again.
Have you ever been embarrassed because of your role in the movie or
The only time I was embarrassed by my fans was when I acted the
role of a wicked woman, they were saying, no this is not you, this
doesn’t fit you and they were throwing question from every angle and I
told them that I can’t keep crying let me just tell them I can act any
role, but they believe all they want is that crying role.
You are good at crying in movies, how do you make that happen?
It is simple, you just put yourself in a position that will make you cry,
that is the way I do it.
How was your growing up days like?
I didn’t grow up with my mother, I was trained by my uncle in
Concrete Avenue Enugu. Well, it was rosy for me because I was
trained by a great man.
Did you have any formal education in acting?
I read Mass Communication; my acting by the grace of God is inborn.
I got it from my mum. I can’t really remember the particular act, but I
got it from her.
Have you ever had any reason to regret anything in life or an event
that makes you cry?
The thing that can ever make me cry is when I remember my mum, it
is only the thought of my mum that can make me cry because she
was so nice. Though she died quite late at 85 but each time I
remember her I still cry.


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