Throughout the period of Physics, Funmilayo who entered the class earlier than others even to the surprise of Mr. Toba was not in class. When they returned to class, fellow students thanked her for rescuing them. So many students hate impromptu test. More so Mr. Toba’s test was to make those of them who had turned to habitual late comers fail. Bimpe wished that the crowd around could vanish so that there would be just the two of them as she is very eager to hear every detail about who her friend has been thinking of. Has she fallen in love with….but with whom? So many thoughts ran through her mind until finally they were left to themselves. “So who is he’? Bimpe hurriedly ask. “I don’t know him, I have not seen him before” Funmilayo said looking into space. “I saw him for the first time this morning and it seems I have always seen him. Though I hate his guts but I like him” she finalized. “But you said you don’t know his name” Bimpe reminded. “I didn’t have time to ask him” Funmilayo replied. She stands up. “I am going to search for him” Funmilayo said with passion written on her face as she walks out of the class. “Is this girl not going crazy”? Bimpe said “Is she the one who is supposed to go look for him or he is supposed to come look for her?

Kunle Fosu is in his class. He has been spotted as a brilliant boy in class. Most of all the teachers who had come to SS2 D (Art Department) haven spotted him as a new boy had tried asking him questions to test his knowledge but had been disappointed that he gives the correct answers with more explanations and examples to back them up. Almost all the teachers had made an open confession that Kunle Fosu is a brilliant chap. At their confessions, both boys and girls in the class had started changing their seat arrangement so as to not be far away from him.

Funmilayo, haven searched from class to class, She enters into SS2 D and looks at the faces of the students. She saw that most of the student especially girls are gathered around some one. She walks in and anxiously stretched her neck to see who is in the middle of the crowd. Some of the students haven seen the social director had fearfully gone back to their seat. Noticing that the crowd around him are gradually diminishing, Kunle looks around to see that there is one of the female students around him who is in skirt and blouse while others in SS2 are in pinafore. “I told you guys that I was expecting a visitor from a higher class” Kunle said without looking up. The students who are still around him are surprised as they look around to see the Social Prefect. Funmilayo is also shocked. She is caught unawares. “Em..em” Funmilayo stammers. “We have to talk” Funmilayo managed to voice out and goes out of the class.

Kunle soon joins her outside and silently the two of them strolled through the pavement. Class mates of Kunle had already started peeping through any available holes. Funmilayo is not also comfortable walking side by side with a junior student. She is trying as much as possible to hide her feelings and anxiety. Having gone out of ear shot, she asked “what is your name?” “Kunle, I am Kunle Fosu” Kunle answered. “I already know your name so you don’t need to tell me” he added. This surprised Funmilayo. “You know my name” she managed to ask. “Who would not know your name in this school, that person must be deaf or blind” Kunle said comically. Funmilayo is still surprised “how do you mean?” she asked anxiously. “Of cause, it is written on your breast pocket, Social Prefect. Your name is social and your surname is Prefect” he said and started laughing. Funmilayo realizing it was a joke got furious “are you daft? This is just a title” she said “Funmilayo Olurinle- that’s your name, I just wanted to pull your legs” Kunle said confidently. Funmilayo is once again caught in the webs of wonder and surprise. But before she could say anything, Kunle continued. I asked about the social Prefect who punished me without looking back this morning and I was told she is Funmilayo Olurinle. I wanted to find and apologize for my rudeness but I was told that junior students are not wanted in the SS3 block so I waited” “You waited for me to come. You already knew I would come, you told your classmates I would come looking for you” Funmilayo said anxiously.

“I remembered your face while you told the Labour Prefect to discipline me, I realized those words were not from your heart, they were to cover your pride of which I had played pranks on” Kunle explained. “I am sorry” he said. Holding her hands, Funmilayo said “I am sorry for letting my pride enshrine my feelings. Kunle, I have never felt this way before. I have not longed for anything this much in my life….” Kunle noticing that teachers and students have started to wonder what was going on between them and some students have started to gather around in group so as to listen to their conversation, cuts in to her statements “I will wait for you in my class after school hours” he said calmly. This caught the attention of Funmilayo and she smiled holding him more tightly. She looks around to see the gatherings and realized that Kunle had bailed her out of disgrace which her emotions would have led her into. She released his hand and blinked her eyes to say thank you. Kunle smiled and turned towards his class while Funmilayo followed the pavement to the end of it.

Just as Kunle enters his class, he had become a sight Centre as his class mates had gathered round him to know the reason why the Social Prefect had come to talk with him. They have all been disappointed when all Kunle could do to their various questions was to smile. And to crown it all, he had told them it’s personal. Disappointed, they had all gone back to their seats.

Watch out for Chapter 4


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