After School Hours Chapter 4


The promise of seeing her after school hours relieved Funmilayo but she could not rest throughout her lessons. When the bell for break rang, Funmilayo ran out like a mad dog to the food shed, she was almost the first to get there. The junior students whose classes are closer to the food shed had formed a queue before Funmilayo got there. But because she is a Prefect she needed not to go on queue. She got all that she wanted in two sets and perambulated the length and breadth of the food shed looking at the male faces. One could see that she is in search of a dear one.

The break over, Funmilayo could not see Kunle and she longed to see him. She stands from her seat. “where are you going to?” Bimpe asked. Bimpe had been watching her restless mood. “I am going to see him” Funmilayo replied. “But you told me that he was going to wait for you after school hours so why the rush?” Bimpe furthered. Funmilayo sits back still wondering, “But why didn’t he come out for lunch during break? Funmilayo soliloquizes. “But, you are just meeting this guy today?” Bimpe observed. “How come you fell in love with him straight on” she added. Funmilayo could not answer these questions. It was true that she met Kunle in the morning and even punished him. What was it that she had seen that had attracted her to him. Haven’t she seen other boys in the school. Some handsome young looking guys who are well to do both in her street and church had wanted her.
To all their plea and flaunt she had refused. How come Kunle? Is he in love with her as much as she loves him? Yes, he is. If not he wouldn’t have made her stop her emotional expose in public. But why didn’t he come to look for her, is it not the guy who is to look for the girl? She broke this protocol to look for him first why didn’t he reciprocate. Oh, it should be because of the ban on junior students coming to the senior class.
Some weeks back, a teacher had entered one of the SS3 classes unnoticed and was furious seeing two SS1 student being romanced by their boyfriends in SS3 class. She made sure that four of them were punished. After which she made the pronouncement that any junior student found in any of the senior classes would be flogged and members of that senior class would also be flogged. So students from SS3 had written OUT OF BOUND TO JUNIOR STUDENTS on a board and placed at the entrance of their classes. This warning had gone from class to class and so it is not possible for Kunle to go see her in her class. But how come she is in love with a junior student? Funmilayo cannot contain all the questions that are tearing her into pieces. She had hoped that the bell for closing would ring in earnest.

She turned round the class to see that most of her classmates had started going home. The bell had gone five minutes ago while Funmilayo had been in wonder land. She picks her bag and run off. Bimpe merely looks at her and nods her head.
In Kunle’s class, two girls have refused to go home. Other students had gone home except for Eunice a spoilt only child of a business tycoon. After Kunle answered a question that no other students could answer, she had developed passion for him for his brilliance, She was waiting for her driver to come and take her home.

Meanwhile she wants to use this avenue to seal an acquaintance with Kunle but Oyindamola, the second daughter of Oniganmure of Iganmure Kingdom. Oyindamola has always flaunt the fact that she is a Princess and today is not an exception. In fact, when she was introducing herself to Kunle, she proudly said “I am Princess Oyindamola the second daughter of Oba Richard Oriade. The Oniganmure of Iganmure kingdom”. This infuriated Eunice that she concluded the introduction by saying “your name is Oyindamola what are you going to buy with the title?”. At this a quarrel had begun and would have led to a fight if not for the intervention of Kunle. The two girls had been waiting for one to go home leaving the other with Kunle. They had both fallen in love with the young chap. Kunle looks at his watch. Funmilayo is 8 minutes late. “I hope I will see you two tomorrow” Kunle said to mean goodbye, but the two girls remained on their seat so Kunle fired on. “Sincerely, I thank the both of you for keeping me company, I hope I would be able to pay your kind gesture”. The two girls still remained on their seats. Frustrated Kunle looked from left to right and at his watch. “I am expecting some one”.
As he said this, the two girls looked at themselves and back at him but before any of them could say anything, Funmilayo rushed in almost missing the entrance. For some seconds, silence reigned. All were at stand still. This season gradually faded out and everyone came back to consciousness. Eunice and Oyindamola picked their bags and goes out of the classroom. “I am sorry for coming late” Funmilayo said after dropping herself to a chair. Having ran from her class to Kunle’s class. “they have kept me company” he said referring to Oyindamola and Eunice who had angrily left the class. “you have a clean heart” he said thanking Funmilayo who had started to display juice and snacks that she has gotten for the both of them during break by surprise. “what do you mean?” she manage to say. “The inner thought of a pure man or woman is seen on his or her face” he replied. “I don’t understand” Funmilayo who is now confused had said. “This morning while we were chatting, I saw it on your face, I read it from the veins in your eyes. It’s just that I am not sure if it is what I think or out of pity for the fact that you were sorry for having me beaten in the morning” he had explained. Funmilayo looking at his eyes held his palms. “what do you think?” she had anxiously asked. “your friends would have to make jest of you” he said smiling “but I don’t care what anybody says” Funmilayo said with confidence. “what about your studies, how would you manage it” Kunle had asked again. Funmilayo knew that she has not been in class the whole of the day. Though her body had remained in class but her mind had not been there. It is obvious that she could not say anything that she has learnt today. “I will manage it, I will learn to manage my feelings, my emotions and my studies” as she said this, tears had already gathered in her eyes waiting for a command to rush down her cheek to her jaw. Kunle held her to himself in a long warm embrace. They sat down to enjoy the snacks and drinks. Funmilayo could not hold herself anymore. She stands from her seat and goes to seat at the bossom of Kunle resting her head on his chest.
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Watch out for Chapter 5


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